Thursday, April 2, 2009

Submission Guidelines

Leonard's Mad Death is dedicated to one goal: determining the means by which Leonard will meet his end, perhaps so that he might live. That is a point of contention. LMD is now accepting submissions of Poetry, Prose, and Essays. Leonard's death is our primary concern. However, pieces that do not concern Leonard or his mad death will be considered. What's good is good.

Please adhere to the following guidelines:

For poetry, submit 2-4 poems (max. 5 pages) at a time. For fiction, please send only one story or essay at a time (max. 8,000 words).

Send all submissions electronically to At this time, submissions will not be accepted as email attachments, and must be included in the body of the message. If you have something really special in mind for Leonard, however, we can talk about attachments(i.e. send a query).

Please include your name and contact information in the opening of your submissions. Cover letters/introductory messages are optional, and should be brief and to the point, no matter what the big book says.

You should expect to hear from LMD regarding your submission within four weeks. At this time there is no compensation available beyond the brilliant pleasure of being named with your work. Writers will receive page proofs prior to publication of their work.

The inaugural web issue will be published Spring/Summer '09.